No mental reservation allowed; Teachers must use CEF materials
CEF has a detailed and recognizably fundamentalist 15-point creed (click link here), one evidently shaped more by the fundamentalist- modernist doctrinal battles of the past 150 years than by any balanced presentation of the Gospels. Key points include biblical inerrancy, original sin, salvation by faith alone, penal substitutionary atonement, separation from worldly practices, damnation of unbelievers to the lake of fire, and the reality of Satan.
Article III of CEF’s By-Laws demand that all members and workers of CEF “wholeheartedly and without mental reservation agree to the [15-point] Statement of Faith and Doctrinal Protection Policy,” and to signify that agreement by annually signing a “Worker’s Compliance Agreement” to that effect.
The Worker’s Compliance Agreement commits workers and volunteers to restrict themselves to “the CEF Statement of Faith and the approved CEF curriculum…. In teaching Bible lessons in core CEF programs I will exclusively use the materials approved by CEF.” CEF’s “Team Leader’s Handbook” reiterates that each Good News Club meeting “must include a Bible lesson using CEF visuals and text” and that “the Gospel message must be presented each time.”
CEF describes Good News Club’s purpose as “to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.” But CEF’s Policy Manual prohibits volunteers from encouraging attendance at any church that does not agree with CEF’s Statement of Faith.
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