Making the Child Responsible for Jesus’s Death
Nearly every “Good News Club” lesson plan includes a “Red Page” section and/or an “Invitation” where Jesus’s death is described in vivid and gratuitous terms, and children told that they are personally responsible.
Nearly every invitation demands — and treats as a prerequisite of saving faith — that the child admit that they are sinful and deserve to be punished for their sin.
“Jesus would be put to death in a horrible way. He would be nailed to a wooden cross and blood would flow from His wounded body so your sins could be forgiven.” Life of Christ, Book 4, p27.
“The Lord Jesus suffered terrible beatings, then He was cruelly nailed to a wooden cross, where He bled and died… As Jesus hung on the cross, God punished Him for your sin and your deceitful heart.” Patriarchs, p35.
“He chose to die for you. As the nails were driven into His hands and feet and His blood flowed out, God was punishing His Son for your sin…. Jesus was willing to die this awful death… After Jesus suffered and died for you, He was buried in a tomb….” Life of Christ, Book 2, p30.
“Think about what your life would be like if Jesus had not died so that you could be forgiven….. Worst of all, you would have no hope of ever going to Heaven. You would only have the terrible future of having to be punished for your sin forever in a place away from God.” Life of Christ, Book 3, p30.
“First you need to agree with God that you are a sinner and are separated from Him because of your sin. Be sorry for your sin and ask God to change you….” Paul: God’s Servant, p44.
“To believe … means to agree with God that you are a sinner and turn from sin to the Lord Jesus Christ….” Elijah, p14.
“You must agree with God that you are a sinner deserving punishment….” Daniel: Strong in the Lord, p49.
“Dear Lord, I know that I have sinned and deserve to be punished. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me. Thank You that Jesus took my punishment so that I can be saved from my sin forever. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. Take away all my sin and give me a new life on the inside so I can live to please you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” Life of Christ, Book 1, p19.
“Are you thankful for what Jesus has done for you?… If Jesus hadn’t suffered and died for you, would would have to pay the terrible price for your own sin. You would never be able to live with God in Heaven.” Life of Christ, Book 4, p32.
“Aren’t you glad that Jesus died for your sin?” Life of Christ, Book 4, p38.
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